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John Moreland, Travis Linville

Friday July 21, 2017 09:00 PM EDT
Cost: $17-$20

From the venue:

Singer/songwriter John Moreland is both a ghost from the past and a representation of today’s self-produced independent music scene. A substantial man with unkempt beard and glasses, he croons softly into a microphone with a voice as Southern as it is sad, and as sweet as drinking honeyed bourbon alone. Getting his start at age 10, Moreland is an archetype for the product of his Kentucky-Oklahoma conservative Baptist family, while he asks and answers honest questions with a wise intelligence that breaks apart the constraints of his origin. Conjuring John Denver and Bob Dylan spiced with thematic Southern touches of blues, Moreland finds hope within the sadness.


- Leanna Gable

More information


21a31 Terminal West Magnum
887 West Marietta St. N.W.
Atlanta, GA 30318
(404) 876-5566