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  3. >> A3C’s Slam Trump rap battle is gonna be YUUUUUUUUUUGE!!!

A3C’s Slam Trump rap battle is gonna be YUUUUUUUUUUGE!!!

A3C and MICXSIC rally a cipher to smack the mic from the Donald’s tiny hands.

Slam Trump By Fabien Williams
Photo credit: Fabien Williams

The headline says it all: A3C and MICXSIC have rallied the most formidable voices from Atlanta’s hip-hop cipher scene to go mano a mano with the Donald and smack the mic from his tiny hands.

Okay, so Trump won’t really be there, but there will be a Trump impersonator on the stage. A3C production director Matt Weiss is the man behind the event. Weiss attended a Slam Bush event in Athens back in 2004, and adapted the idea to fit the modern political climate. “It’s important to have a conversation about where we are in the political timeline,” Weiss says. “Given where we’re at with the presidential race it’s important to get everyone together. Using hip-hop to express these emotions in a positive way is something that we all need.”

It’s a fun but serious event. All proceeds go to the A3C Action fund. Let’s build a wall around this chump named Trump.

[/atlanta/slam-trump-rap-battle/Event?oid=17500086|$15. 8 p.m. Thurs., Aug. 11. Aisle 5, 1123 Euclid Ave. N.E. www.aisle5.com.
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