Bear In Heaven spreads the love ... for months

I Love You, It’s Cool gets stretched out nearly 400,000%


Bear in Heaven has a new album set to hit the streets April 3, 2012, via Dead Oceans/Hometapes, called I Love You, It’s Cool. That release date is still a few months off so the band has put the album up as a stream on its website. It’s also been slowed down about 400,000% which is just enough to stretch the songs out for a single play that began Mon., Dec. 12, and will end at midnight the day the album drops.

Does anyone else out there remember Leif’s Inge’s “9 Beet Stretch?” This is sort of the same idea but Inge only stretched out Beethoven’s 9th for 24 hours, at least when it was played at Eyedrum back in 2006. This Bear in Heaven joint is gonna burn for more than three months! That means a single drum hit takes days to unfold amid this monstrous drone. Do yourself a favor and get lost in it. It’s absolutely mesmerizing and at times it feels sort of like listening to a jet engine’s roar. But if you tune in and space out for long enough you’ll start having all sorts of auditory hallucinations, which is a total plus.