Pulled Quote May 28 2008

Jayson had decided that he was homosexual while watching a Phil Donahue episode on the topic eight years earlier. He’d come home early from kindergarten that day because he’d gotten a stomach ache from worrying about whether his Hee Haw overalls were too outré for his peers. Jayson had been sent home from school fairly often over the years, including the first day of kindergarten when he’d become inconsolably agitated that the school wouldn’t change their spelling of his name from “Jason” to “Jayson.” He felt very strongly that he needed the extra flair to set himself apart from the other, obviously less special Jasons in the class.

– From Josh Kilmer-Purcell’s latest novel, Candy Everybody Wants. Kilmer-Purcell will read and sign copies of the book at Outwrite Books on Wednesday, May 28.