The Walking Dead’ Season 2, Ep. 3: That’s one hefty sacrificial lamb

Otis dies so fun


  • AMC
  • “We make a pretty good team, huh Shane. Shane?”

So, listen. I had maybe two too many glasses of wine before I watched “The Walking Dead” last night. I know that because my notes look like this (this is just the first couple minutes):

God damn. Ripped.

Shane is turining into something .


In my defense, Shane is ripped and IronE Singleton is a ridiculous name. I’ll do my best with this recap, is what I’m saying.

Oh, and real quick, another symptom of my drunkies — besides sloppy keystroking — was that I kept getting hung-up on minutia. For instance, the scene in which Rick is eating a sandwich. Nope. No way there’s still bread that isn’t moldy, said I. BUT, a couple helpful coworkers pointed out to me that the farmhouse folks have a generator, so it could presumably have been in a freezer. Also, I’m a gross jerk for being nitpicky.

Things aren’t looking good for Carl. And here’s a thing I have to say I think the show’s writers are taking for granted: that we care that things aren’t looking good for Carl. But, hey, Rick and Lori and Shane and Otis care, so we pretty much have to. “I’m trying to do right by that boy,” says Otis (trying = “tring” in Gwynedd-speak). Wowee! By the end of the episode it’s evident that someone didn’t think he was trying quite hard enough.

Otis and Shane are still being chased by a zombie horde, and with all of the legged zombies chasing them, Otis almost gets bitten by a dumb one with no legs.

Hershel has bad news for Lori and Rick. Basically, if Shane and Otis don’t get back soon with the supplies, he’s gonna have to go ahead and operate on Carl without a respirator. Lori’s all, like, seriously, everything is fucking horrible, so maybe it would be better if Carl just died. That’s the spirit, Lori. Carl wakes up for a sec to talk about his ill-fated deer encounter (RIP deer) and remind everyone what a good actor he is. Then he has a seizure and reminds everyone what a GREAT actor he is.