Fix this headline: Adult diaper plant looks to hire

WSBTV plays it straight, which is no fun


WSBTV reports that a plant in Douglasville that manufactures gigantic diapers for incontinent adults is hiring 80 people.

Their headline: “Adult diaper plant looks to hire.”

WSBTV, do you take no joy in what you do? Are you immune to the temptation to make poop jokes?

Please, in the comments section, help me give this news-like tid-bit a more appropriate title.

I’ll help W(h)ET your imaginations ...

“Doody calls: Diaper plant hiring”

“Work the number two shift at Douglasville diapery”

(Or, alternately) “Jobs available at Douglasville’s number one diaper factory”

“Is a job at a diaper plant for you? That Depends”