Art Boxes artist: Adam Ford

Image Originally from the panhandle of Florida, I’ve been living in Georgia for what only seems like forever. Course that doesn’t mean I love it any less. Having garnered a penchant for dragon slaying and art I decided to go with the ladder and cultivate my abilities at the Art Institute of Atlanta. 3 to 4 years later I graduated, found some work, lost some work, found some more work and the lost it again. In the meantime I find solace in my smaller projects pooled together from friends and associates, which allows me plenty of time to catch up on Top Chef and Chowder.

I’m an illustrator, fully. Where my art comes from is simply a middle ground from looking at other people I really feel have something interesting and most importantly FUN to say. Although it would be neat to develop a relationship with my art and feelings that could reflect some sort of deeper meaning in the end it seems more trouble than it’s worth to me. I like drawing and I’m going to keep doing it till either my hands fall off or enough people tell me I should just stop and go back to dragon slaying.