Ham and cheese bun at Sweet Hut

Available at Sweet Hut Bakery & Cafe !
Sweet Hut is a chic, self-serve bakery known for its extensive bubble tea selection and huge pastry cases filled with a stunning plethora of delicate, airy, buttery treats. There are sweet things such as buns filled with chocolate or mango pudding, but there is also a stash of savory goodies waiting to be plucked onto a tray. There are some gnarly-looking hot dog thingies that warrant exploration, but our favorite is a user-friendly sweet bun filled with good-old ham and cheese. Inside, the cloud-like pastry — think Hawaiian roll, but better — is stuffed with layers of salty ham, white American cheese, and plenty of black pepper. The bun is a scrumptious introduction to this Taiwanese trove that has locations on Buford Highway and in Midtown. $2.