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Ekphrastic Image-making in Early Modern Europe and the Americas

Friday December 6, 2019 09:00 AM EST
Cost: Free

From the venue:

In epideictic oratory, ekphrasis is typically identified as an advanced rhetorical exercise that verbally reproduces the experience of viewing a person, place, or thing; more specifically, it often purports to replicate the experience of viewing a work of art. Ekphrasis describes the object of sight in vivid, imaginative, even hyperbolic terms, bodying it forth as something that having once been viewed, is now presently viewable or, better, visualizable, in the form of an image. This is to say that ekphrasis operates complexly in the registers of time (making past experience present), affect (recovering and restaging affective experience), and mimesis (fashioning an image of something seen, or an image of a work of art).
Convocation Hall, room 208
Emory University, 505 North Kilgo Cir NE s,
Atlanta, GA

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