Tom wants to visit

A man said he and his wife went to bed around 10 p.m. Shortly after midnight, he said he heard someone knocking on the guest bedroom door. He asked: “Who’s there?” The suspect replied: “It’s Tom Foolery.” The man said he didn’t know Tom Foolery. The suspect replied, “It’s me, Tom.” The man said he heard the front door close — and he immediately called police. Officers showed up and searched the area, but couldn’t find this Tom Foolery. So police left.

Around 2:30 a.m., the man said someone rang his front doorbell. The man asked: “Who’s there?” The suspect repeatedly said: “It’s me, Tom – and I’m sorry.” The man said “Tom” eventually left in a car. The man walked outside and discovered his house keys were on the doormat. He said he kept these keys in the front console of his Lexus, which was in the garage. He described “Tom” as wearing black pants and a black T-shirt with writing on it. He said he’s never seen this “Tom” guy before.

Read more Blotter.

Items in the Blotter are taken from actual Atlanta police reports. The Blotter Diva compiles them and puts them into her own words.