Voter’s Guide 2010 - Vote till it hurts

CL’s political endorsements are the cure for electile dysfunction

You’ve surely heard talk that the midterm elections would result in a tidal wave of red-state freedom washing over this great yet troubled nation. Come Nov. 2, Republicans will return to restore the country’s sanity, while the Obama-crats will be sent to the bread line.

But we know Georgians don’t vote like a bunch of lemmings, right? Um, right? Anyway, voters will have the chance next Tuesday to boot do-nothings and sleazoids; promote the able and honorable; and, dare we say it, kick the tea-baggers to the curb by putting a Democrat back in the governor’s office.

For the public’s benefit, we herein offer our picks in key statewide and local races and provide an online guide to those pesky ballot questions and referenda that have been keeping you up at night. Remember, the people on your local ballot will impact your life more than anyone way up in Washington — in fact, most of the candidates have never even met the president! — so please vote accordingly. We only hope our suggestions help you separate the awful from the awesome. Now get busy!


But wait, there’s more!

Get your CL-approved voting booth cheat sheet right here pdf.

After you cast your ballot, join us Nov. 2 for candidate party gossip and election-night drinking games at Fresh Loaf.